Top 10 Books to read whilst travelling
Top 10 Books to read whilst Travelling
Whether to provide inspiration on where to visit next; the knowledge, tips, hints, that will help you better understand your destination and thus make the most of your trip, or a way to pass the time and keep you entertained while making long, train, bus, or plane journeys, books are an integral part of travel and a must-include backpack item for any adventure.
We have put together our top 10 books to read whilst travelling, which will you struggle to put down first?
On the Road - Jack Kerouac
One of the most important books of the twentieth century, Jack Kerouac’s classic novel, On the Road is regarded as one of the greatest pieces of travel literature ever created and though published in 1957, continues to inspire and delight to this day.
Written from the point of view of the protagonist Sal, as he travels westward from New York City, jumping trains, hitchhiking and driving, and meeting a cast of colourful characters along the way, the book is said to have been loosely based on the author’s own experiences, and beautifully captures the zeitgeist of the time, along with the unique freedom and joy of travel.
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
One of the most-read travel novels of the last few decades, Brazilian author Paulo Coelho’s international bestseller tells the story of Santiago, a young Andalusian shepherd, as he journeys from Southern Spain to Egypt. A profoundly-moving and evocative coming of age tale, The Alchemist is truly one of the greatest travel novels ever written and is filled with a` host of beautiful and truly inspirational quotes: “We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.”
Miles from Nowhere - Barbara Savage
A compelling and often humorous account of the epic 23,000 mile-long bicycle trip that the author and her husband made across the world during the 1970s, Miles from Nowhere, encompasses 25 different countries, and a plethora of fascinating, funny, and zany anecdotes and adventures, that remain as inspirational and engaging today, as they did when they were first published nearly four decades ago!
Koh Tao - Luke Richardson
The first in a series of 5 books, each set in a different part of the world and inspired by the author’s own extensive travels, Koh Tao tells the story of Leo and his search for his girlfriend after she disappears shortly after the pair arrive on the island. Fraught with mystery and intrigue, and rich in descriptive detail, the story captivates from beginning to end, transporting the reader to the tropical Thai paradise and leading them on an intense and thrilling adventure!
In Patagonia - Bruce Chatwin
Published in 1977, In Patagonia is a deeply-engaging personal account of author Bruce Chatwin’s travels across the wild southern tip of South America. Rich in descriptive and evocative detail and brimming with fascinating facts and anecdotes, Chatwin paints a comprehensive and colourful portrait of one of the world’s most beautiful regions, that will undoubtedly leave you feeling compelled to visit!
The Great Railway Bazaar - Paul Theroux
First published in the mid-1970s, Paul Theroux’s wanderlust-inducing travelogue charters the epic four-month train journey he made from London across Europe, the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, Russia, Japan, and Southeast Asia. Written at a time when many of the featured destinations were still regarded as deeply distant and exotic, Theroux captures a fascinating mosaic of people, culture, and history with unique humour and perceptiveness, and communicates the joy and wonder of travel in a manner matched by few other authors.
How to Travel the World on $50 a Day - Matt Kepnes
Described as ‘“The bible for budget travelers” by the BBC, How to Travel the World on $50 a Day the New York Times bestselling book by author and blogger Matt Kepnes (who has spent over a decade traversing all corners of the globe) does exactly what it says on the tin, offering readers a plethora of tips, tricks, and hints, along with detailed local destination information and pricing, so that they can travel better, for longer and for less.
The Beach - Alex Garland
Alex Garland’s cult classic (which was immortalised by Leonardo Dicaprio and director Danny Boyle in the 2000 film of the same name) tells the story of a young backpacker and his quest to find the ultimate, tourist-free paradise. Tense, dark, and at times truly shocking, it serves, at least in part, as a cautionary tale, and is certainly not your typical travel book, though it remains a deeply-compelling and exciting read, that captures the inherent desire for discovery that so many of us harbor!
As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning - Laurie Lee
Published in 1969, British author and poet Laurie Lee’s memoir (the second in a series of 3), charters his experiences as he leaves his home village in Glouceshire for the first time, heading to London, and later, to Spain. Rich in romance, adventure, and brimming with vivid imagery, Lee communicates the atmosphere and scenery of Spain with remarkable eloquence, capturing brilliantly the sense of wonder that accompanies visiting a country for the first time.
From Excuses to Excursions: How I Started Traveling the World - Gloria Atanmo
Perfect for those who want to travel but are struggling for inspiration or resources, From Excuses to Excursions is a strikingly forthright, witty, and deeply-informative personal account of the author’s journey from a girl with a colorful imagination to a world-renowned travel blogger and writer, that will leave you feeling empowered, excited and inspired to book your next trip!

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